Team Kahikatea Room 12 Newsletter
‘Other Room 12 Information’
Term 4 October 2014
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Whanau and Students,
Kia ora and welcome back! I hope you and your families had an awesome break and are ready for a final and busy term ahead!
As we begin this term we congratulate Michael Hobbs who was awarded Room 12 Student of the Term for Term Three. Throughout Term Three Michael showed respect, diligence, cooperation, organization and enthusiasm in every aspect of school life! Michael showed dedication and commitment into everything he participated in at school. Michael was happy to take on new challenges and responsibilities and he always strived for excellence in all areas during Term 3. We look forward to finding out who Term 4 Student of the Term will be.
Term Four Team Kahikatea Learning:
This term our topic for inquiry is ‘Turangawaewae—Our Place, Our Space’.
This inquiry topic is about our place, environment and identity. This inquiry topic has a Social Science and Arts focus. At times there will be some homework tasks related to this topic and your support for completing these tasks will be very valuable.
Room 12 Learning:
Other learning topics during Term 4 = Google Docs, Blogging, Graphica, Debating, Technology, Athletics, Summer Sport skills and EOTC activities (Camp).
Other Room 12 Information:
Learning, updates, homework and most other information for Room 12 can be found on Room 12’s blog. The address for this is : The heading to click is ‘Kia Ora—Blogger’. You are more than welcome to share or forward Room 12’s blog with friends and family members. Positive comments, questions and ideas for learning can be posted on our blog by viewers.
Designcraft / Technology at Makoura:
The students’ technology sessions at Makoura College continue this term. Year 8’s are going at 10:20 and they return at 12:30. The Year 7’s go after lunch and return at 2:50. The Technology sessions at Makoura cost $65 for the year. If you have not paid yet you can make part payments for this at the office. The total amount needs to be paid before the end of the year. Thank you. A reminder that all students must have sturdy footwear for Technology on Tuesdays!
Library and Computer Room:
We will be using the school library and computer room once a week. While in the library we will be working on inquiry, research and note taking skills. All students are encouraged to issue 2 books. They may keep these books for up to 2 weeks. Please help your child to use and care for our library books as well as return them promptly. While in the computer room students will focus on inquiry, research, Google Docs and Blogging. This term your student will have a Google Doc’s address where their learning and classroom work will be inquired into, worked on and saved. I am experimenting with this system to make learning ‘Anytime, Anywhere’. Room 12 is going to adopt the ‘Learn, Create, Share’ philosophy from the Manaiakalani Cluster. These sites are from the cluster about their learning ( and and Blogging ( Have a look if you are interested.
For PE this term we are participating in Jump Jam, Athletics and Summer Sports skills. Please encourage your child to wear sensible footwear to school or bring trainers/sneakers to put on when needed.
Room 4 is our buddy class. We are calling this session Tuakana/Teina (Big kids helping little kids). During this time we read, write, develop spelling and maths skills, as well as build friendships with our buddies. This happens every Friday before lunch for 20 minutes.
Other information:
As we begin the term please ensure that all of your child’s school items are named clearly, e.g. uniform, lunch boxes, drink bottles etc…Remember school wide brimmed sunhats are now compulsory for all of term 4 and Term 1 next year.
Uniforms: Mr Ballantyne, Whaea Michelle and I have spoken to the children about correct uniform and we trust students will take responsibility for themselves. Please support us by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform to school each day, with pride!
Camp Fundraising:
As you are aware we have a camp planned for this term. More information will come out in future notices. At this point we can give you an approximate cost of $100 per student—therefore we wish to continue with our fundraising efforts in this term so we can reduce the cost per student. We plan to hold another disco this term to help to lower the cost for each student.
Homework and Communication:
Please continue to remind your child to use their communication books like a diary. Their communications books help them with their organisation skills and this is great preparation for college as we are continuing to develop independent learners plus encouraging the students to be organised and responsible.
We use the communication book to record homework tasks, spelling words and things they needs to remember etc. This is also the best place for notes to me regarding absences, concerns etc. Students also have a clear file to keep homework tasks and newsletters in. Please take time to check and sign your child’s communication book daily to help them with their organisational skills.
Below is a brief outline of homework tasks over the term.
· Each Monday the students are given a list of topic related and essential list spelling words to learn. These are tested on Friday.
· There will be weekly homework for our team set by a teacher. This will be issued on Friday and due the following Friday.
· There may be weekly homework by the Technology teachers. This will be issued on Tuesday and due the following Tuesday.
Report Files will be sent home at the end of Term 4. Dates will be in our school newsletter.
The school newsletter is sent home each Tuesday to the youngest and/or only child in a family. Please read it, as there is a lot of important information and dates on it. The newsletter can be emailed to you. You need to give Mrs Hutchings or Mrs Pratt your email address if you wish to receive it this way.
The school day begins at 8.55. Please make sure that your child is at school before the bell rings. If your child is late to school they will need to go to the office for a Late Slip.
During each term I am entitled to two Classroom Release Days and one Management Release Day On these days a reliever or Ms Taylor will be teaching Room 12. The dates for these release days are yet to be confirmed.
To help the school, your child and myself, please send notes to school about any sickness, absences or any other issues, as sending notes saves time and confusion.
Head lice are an ongoing problem. If your child is itching please check them and treat them if necessary. We will have head lice checks in class if it is needed. A note will be sent home if this is about to happen.
If your child has Asthma, please send an inhaler to school. The inhaler can be kept in their school bag until it is needed. Please let me know if your child has any medical conditions that I need to be aware of.
If you have any questions, concerns or would like additional information about your child’s progress, please come and see me at school. I recommend that you come between 8.15 and 8:45am. Although on Tuesday mornings the staff have an
Administration Meeting in the Staffroom from 8:00 until 8:30 so I will not be in the classroom until 8:30 on Tuesday mornings. Or please come to see me between 3.00 and 4:30pm, as I will usually be in the classroom, staffroom or the Library, preparing or assessing work. Please remember Team Kahikatea meets on a Tuesday at 3:30 and on Thursday afternoons are
Professional Learning Meetings which begin at 3:30, so I will not be available after 3:30 on those days.
I am on Main Road Crossing Duty every Friday so I need to be at the crossing soon after the 3:00 bell. If you need to see me could you please wait until I return which should be about 3:15.
I am really looking forward to a productive term full of learning and engagement! Please do not hesitate to contact me at school, on 379 4010, or at home, on 379 6624 (before 9:00pm) or you could email me at if you have anything to discuss.
Teachers and parents working together make a powerful combination.
Kind regards,
Melanie MacGregor
Please encourage your children to… LEARN, CREATE, SHARE!
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